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Use the Housing Loan Calculator to Ease Your Financial Planning

· home loan emi,home loan calculator,loan installment

As home loans are of high-value, lenders offer up to 20 years to repay the sum. Considering this, borrowers require robust financial planning to repay such a significant amount. Using a home loan installment calculator becomes paramount in such circumstances.

Also denoted as a loan EMI calculator, it is an online tool that assists in planning your monthly outflow. This, in turn, helps a loan seeker to plan a budget so that the EMIs do not become a liability by stressing your finances.

home loan emi calculator

Why use a home loan installment calculator?

It is advisable to use this calculator for the following reasons –

  1. You can determine your fixed monthly obligations with accuracy. All you need to do is put the desired loan amount, tenure and the applicable interest rate.

Then, the online calculator computes the EMI based on your entries and displays your monthly pay-outs.

  1. Using a loan EMI calculator allows a borrower to determine the tenure. While a longer tenure reduces your monthly installments, a shorter tenure decreases your cost of the loan.

  2. By calculating the installment amount, you can estimate the suitability of the loan amount as per your repayment capacity. You can then proceed with the steps to avail a home loan in India.

Besides, this online calculator also offers you a scope to choose the best lender by comparing the EMIs as per the different rates available.